
Case study

Case study: XSYS – Promoting Company Knowledge with a Press Release

Together with duomedia, XSYS created a concise and informative guide that addresses common misconceptions surrounding the washout process. The guide highlights the negative impact of using improper washout solvents on the final print quality. By invalidating these misconceptions and providing factual information, XSYS aims to educate customers about the importance of using the correct solvents to guarantee consistent quality and produce brilliant results.

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Case study

Case study: Ricoh – Blogs to strengthen thought leadership

duomedia helped identify new topics and trends, conducted research, and liaised with key Ricoh team members to gather information and prepare the blogs. Once finalised, the blogs were published, often weekly, by Ricoh employees on their personal LinkedIn profiles. The blogs were also shared on the company’s official social media channels.

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