The challenge
XSYS is specialized in serving the global flexographic printing industry with plates, sleeves, adapters, and a broad service network. Their extensive expertise sets them apart and can be very beneficial to a lot of players dealing with flexographic printing technology.
XSYS recognized the importance of sharing their expertise, showing their thought leadership and assisting customers in maintaining and cleaning their plates effectively.
The solution
Together with duomedia, XSYS created a concise and informative guide that addresses common misconceptions surrounding the washout process. The guide highlights the negative impact of using improper washout solvents on the final print quality. By invalidating these misconceptions and providing factual information, XSYS aims to educate customers about the importance of using the correct solvents to guarantee consistent quality and produce brilliant results.
The result
A white paper to show sector leadership
The company provided duomedia with all the necessary materials and information to develop the guide. duomedia also conducted an interview with XSYS to work out the details and create the guide. Once completed, it was translated into French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Press release
A multilingual press release was prepared and distributed by duomedia to promote the guide. Taking ownership of the development and distribution of the press release, duomedia made a point of highlighting the importance of the XSYS expertise shared in the guide. The press release was sent to a targeted audience of specialized trade press editors and journalists from duomedia’s extensive database. They received detailed information about the guide and were also directed to the XSYS website where it could be downloaded.
Questions? Get in contact with us. We are happy to help.
Mireia Rosello
Mireia is duomedia’s Spanish Digital Marketeer. She is always on the lookout to detect new communication opportunities for duomedia and our clients, a much-appreciated skill that make her an excellent blogger. Mireia loves food, nature, travelling, and practices yoga in her spare time.